Derrick Poe: The Road So Far
My life was never normal. When I was young I was with my father and older brother a lot, learning the tools of the trade so to speak. Hated the life. Dad who was never around, and a brother just a few years older than me but really didn't want to have to look after a little brother. Simon, my brother was always a fixture in my life up till he left high school to join the military.
Things changed then. I was left to my own devices, most teenagers, well, guess they would have seen the opportunity of being alone to party, screw it all. Me.. I wanted out of the life I was born in. So, I buckled down, finished high school top of my class, and got accepted in Stanford. Had what I wanted, normalcy. Studied law, had an apartment with a girl, things were great for me, boring for someone else, but great for me.
Years went by, I would get a letter from Simon now and then, gift at Christmas, I would make sure he got a care package on his birthday. I thought the way his letters read that he had got away from the life we had when we were young as well.. that he switched from Hunter to defender, defending the freedom of our country. I was naive. I was doing great in college, had a good part time job, which was offered a full time status once I graduated, my girlfriend Jess and I had settled into the cute couple mode, we became one of those single word couples, Oh here comes Derrica, or Jessirick. I popped the question in my junior year got an instant yes.
Jess had never met Simon, knew about him but never met him. Didn't know the night we were making up wedding invitations, that she never would meet him. I don't know why they picked her, but I always thought it was because of me, of my family's past, that she was marked the moment she offered me her map of the campus. Demon used her. Used her for two days before I caught on that something was wrong.. I had left the life and pushed those memories away, my family has an ability most call it the sight.. it's not something that is always there, most of the time have to concentrate to use it, but from time to time it slips and you catch glimpses. I caught a glimpse of what had hold of Jess. First call was to my brother who was a half a world away. He tried to tell me what to do to contain her.. but I had forgot most of what I used to know.
The demon in Jess figured out that I knew what was going on, went on the attack. I don't even remember picking up the gun, just know it ended up in my hand and Jess was standing there in her pajamas looking down at three holes in her chest, and laughing. I couldn't even move. She stepped over picked up the phone, dialed 911 and screamed into it that she was being raped.. dropped the phone on the floor, then looked up at me with.. black eyes...just smiled and raised her head. A black thick smoke vomited from her mouth covered out ceiling for a moment then went away..
I remember her falling..her body falling forward. I had her before she hit the floor, I remember her looking up at me as I carried her out of the house.. I remember the lights from the police vehicles, I can remember her blood on me. I don't remember anything else till two days later. During my time of being a walking coma victim I guess you would call it, I was arrested, put in jail, interrogated, booked for murder.
I was being transferred, they had me on the bus an hour away from destination when the bus was struck by a truck. What went down then was tactical. Three men boarded the bus in black with masks after throwing out flash bangs and smoke bombs. They incapacitated the guards, and grabbed me pulling me out of the bus. I was thrown in the back of another pickup and we raced away.
I saw the Impala when we pulled off on a dirt road. I knew then who one of those masked men happened to be.. Simon got out of the pickup, and pulled off his mask, he was smiles, calling me Sasquatch, keeping things light, but his eyes were worried about me, maybe my sanity..
Simon took care of me, watched me till I quit staring at the walls, and started looking in books and online, memories were walled up, normalcy was gone. It was time to hunt again and learn what I was hunting. Simon still remained on call for the military. We hunted together, and apart. We may not always get along. But we will always be family.
It was a year.. everything was working for a year. Simon and I where hunting, taking evil out left and right. Helping people. I thought we should be doing more. Never make a deal with something you hate.. it wont ever turn out good. Because that is what happened to me.
It was one of those nights, Simon and I had gotten into a bit of a shouting match over how things should be done, me telling him we weren't doing enough and he coming back with don't push things to hard, they may push back. I knew I was right.. He was just using that "I'm older than you,I know what is better " aspect on me. I didn't listen, I left and went to find answers. I searched, but all of the answers eluded me staying just out of my reach. Frustration set in, till I found myself out on an old crossroads in Virginia.
I didn't even summon her. I had parked my car off the side of the road and fell asleep,next thing I knew, someone was in the car with me. I opened my eyes and there she was, blond, pleasing to the eye. It took me two seconds to realize what she was and why she was there. She could have gutted me in those seconds, but she didn't. She was a Demon though, and her name was Beth. She gave me a weapon, a knife, said it would kill things, things like her. I asked what it would cost me. She shook her head and told me I would be doing her a favor by getting rid of them. She put the knife on the dashboard, then reached over and gave my thigh a squeeze and was gone before I could even think about slapping her away. I sat there, staring at that knife for hours. Finally, I picked it up, started the car, and headed down that highway to hell.
Simon yelled. Simon always yells when I do something . As I look back now I would call it stupid too, but it worked. We didn't have to go though all the hoodoo. Now it was just grab, stab, and no more demon. The host usually ended up dead but the evil was gone.
Beth came to me a few times. She showed me how to track, told me who was connected with this, that and so on. Eventually she told me about her life before she became a demon. My guard ended up being down around her, which allowed her right in. One stormy night, while Simon was off doing something military related, Beth showed up at the door, soaked to the bone from the rain. First thing she asked was where Simon was. I said not here, and the next thing I know I was put into a wall. She had me in a lip lock that would have melted steel. One thing lead to another. I found a peace with Beth, something that I had been missing. Someone to share something close with. Simon was not happy when he found out but I convinced him she could help us. She wanted to be her human self and help us in our war. Simon never really trusted her. Which was our saving grace. She used me to get what she needed. She manipulated, lied, did everything in the book to get me to put my trust in her.
Demon, there is a reason they are called that, and I found out soon later when one night I was laying in a pool of my own blood on the floor. I thought Simon was dead. She had thrown him out of a fifth story window. She just had to gloat though. She licked some of the blood off my chest then got real close to my face, gave me a hard kiss, and smiled. Beth whispered to me that I tasted just like I did a year and a half ago, when she had possessed my Jess. Next thing I knew there was a gunshot. Beth was knocked off of me. She yelled out about that not doing him any good then water hit my face and I heard Beth scream. Something hit the floor next to my head. I gripped it and held it up. It was the knife. I looked at the knife for a moment then to my right were Simon was flat on his back, looking like he just fell off of a building. He had Beth on top of him and she had a shard of glass held against his throat. I don't know what she was saying to him, I never asked. I never wanted to relive this night. All I remember is getting up and slamming that knife blade into her neck.
Never trust a Demon