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Martin Poe / Derricks Father

At the age of seven, Derricks father started teaching him how to be a hunter, starting with basic self defense, along with explaining to him about the supernatural, and the weapons needed to defeat his foes.    Martin showed Derrick how to load bullets using a reloader.  How to melt down silver and other metals to use as weapons and cast his own bullets.   Martin also showed Derrick how to pick pocket, and use subterfuge to get what was needed, along with the art of forgery.     When the time was right, Martin showed Derrick how to tap in to an inner power, showing him abilities a normal human doesn't possess, abilities given to him by the Lord Almighty. 

Simon Poe / Derricks Older Brother

Simon Poe filled in the gaps Martin left open.   Though at times Derrick just thought Simon liked using him as a punching bag, but as time progressed Derrick learned to move faster take a punch, and never give up.   Simon improved Derricks skills with a pistol and rifle , and teaching him further hand to hand combat skills.   One might say that Simon was also responsible for separating Derrick from his Moral Soul, and teaching him interrogation technique that even Jack the Ripper would balk at. 

Snake Eyes / Silent Master

Known as the Silent Master to Derrick, or more well known by his name Snake Eyes.   Snake saw potential in Derrick where others saw chaos.    Though tall gangly and impulsive, Snake believed Derrick could learn the art of Ninjutsu, and thus center the rampaging giant.     To Derrick the Silent Master was more than just a Teacher, he was a mentor, teaching Derrick to center himself, along with learning the eighteen disciplines of Ninjutsu. 

Kamakura / Sean Collins

Friend, and Instructor, Kamakura aided the Silent master in teaching Derrick the eighteen disciplines.  Were Snake was strict with his training, Sean was more open and personable, taking away the mundane repetitions against imaginary foes, and throwing some actual real world training against other students.   Sean also taught Derrick how to tap more into his inner powers and fuse them with his Ninjutsu training.     Though Derrick did not Master any of the eighteen disciplines, Sean helped teach him enough to take on a number of foes, even those with combat training.   



Ninjutsu the 18 Disciplines

Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement


Taijutsu – unarmed combat


Kenjutsu – sword techniques


Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques


Sōjutsu – spear techniques


Naginatajutsu – naginata techniques


Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama techniques


Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques


Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics


Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation


Shinobi-iri – stealth and infiltration


Bajutsu – horsemanship


Sui-ren – water training


Bōryaku – tactics


Chōhō – espionage


Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment


Tenmon – meteorology


Chi-mon – geography




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